Between September 2004 and March 2007, the International Services Project  Office received 205 projects from 42 Daughter of Charity Provinces, serving in 41 countries. With the help of IPS, 122 of these projects have been successfully funded.

Daughter of Charity Provinces that minister in impoverished areas of the world often lack adequate financial resources to support the growing needs of the people they serve and, in many instances, to support the needs of the Sisters. Provinces that are able send money for Interprovincial Sharing which is distributed to poor Provinces by the General Curia, but these funds are limited.

Sometimes, for various reasons, Provinces do not know where or how to seek other funding. On May 18, 2004, the Superioress General with her Council established INTERNATIONAL PROJECT SERVICES (IPS), an optional service to help these Provinces obtain additional resources.

Goals of International Project Services
The primary goal of IPS is to help Daughter of Charity Provinces that minister in impoverished areas of the world with writing grant proposals for funding organizations to obtain the financial support needed by the Provinces and their works. The secondary goal of IPS is to strive to meet the needs of these Provinces by taking advantage of other advancement opportunities, including corporate and individual monetary gifts that are designated, unrestricted or in-kind.
