SUMMARY: This paper describes the development of a federation of scavengers who live close to a major solid waste dumpin Quezon City, and the role of the Vincentian Missionaries Foundation and other NGOs that have supported it. A long-term environmental development programme has been initiated which builds on the existing activities of scavenger households and which is also integrated with housing, health and other social initiatives. A successful savings and credit programme has been started that funds micro-enterprises and social needs, including a housing programme. The Federation has also increased the scavengers’ capacity to negotiate with local authorities and other government agencies. The paper ends by reflecting on the lessons learnt and their relevance for other communities.

The Vincentian Missionaries Social Development Foundation, Inc. (VMSDFI) is a church based organization which has been working in the urban slum community of Payatas, Quezon City, since 1991, in pursuit of community development goals forthe lowest 20 per cent of the urban poor population. As a support intermediary organization, it works with urban poor communities in Metro Manila and three other cities in the Philippines.

Address: Fr. Norberto Carcellar, CM, Executive Director, Vincentian Missionaries Social Development Foundation,
Tandang Sora Avenue,
Diliman, Quezon City, the Philippines;
fax: (632) 454 2834;

1998 paper (PDF)
