When we pray, we “connect” with God; we become aware of God’s presence within us. One spiritual writer comments that we can think of our own heart as God’s “family room within us”. What a beautiful image of a place where we can just relax with God!

The following prayer starters are based on the lectionary readings for Passion Sunday, which is the beginning of Holy Week and therefore a good meditation for the week, and the Sundays of our great feast of Easter. Our intention is to help you guide your child – or yourself- in some heart prayer. The wording can be adapted for children as young as three years of age.

A good time for heart prayer is often the “quiet time” before your child goes to sleep. You might want to read the Scripture first, so that you can tell the Jesus story in your own words. Then, look at the Scripture comment and the prayer starters, close your eyes, invite God into your heart, and be at home – you, your child and God- for a few minutes!

 Heart Prayer During Holy Week
