Dear Members of the Vincentian Family,

As you know the Daughters of Charity International website is updated on the 1st of each month. As from tomorrow, 1st April, take time to check out:
PRAYER CORNER presentation which is a moving reflection on the events of Holy Week and an opportunity for us to enter into the Passion, Death & Resurrection of the Lord & what it means for us.

KIDS CORNER – here you can find an interactive jigsaw & crossword which touch into Holy Week

NEWS – check through the drop down menus for each month & catch up on DCs across the 5 continents

THE INTERNATIONAL VINCENTIAN FAMILY SITE has also had a face-lift & is much clearer to read & navigate

Finally, if you haven’t been to see it, take a visit to your local cinema and see the film AMAZING GRACE based on the life of William Wilberforce and the Abolition of the Slave Trade It’s a brilliant testimony to a great Christian.

Wishing you the graces & blessings of Holy Week,
Sr Maureen Tinkler DC
