The Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation Commission of the USG/UISG invites all member congregations to participate in a day of prayer and fasting for an end to violence and war in Darfur, Iraq, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Northern Uganda, Nepal, Columbia, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon and all those places in our world where there is discord and division.

We are reminded of the words of John Paul II in his World Day of Peace Message 2002:
“Prayer for peace is not an element that ‘comes after’ the commitment to peace. On the contrary, it is at the heart of the effort to create peace, peace with order, justice and liberty.
To pray for peace means to open the human heart to the outburst of God’s renewing power. With the life giving strength of grace, God can open up paths to peace in places where only obstacles and impediments seem to exist. God can strengthen and broaden the solidarity of the human family, in spite of long histories of division and struggle.
To pray for peace means to pray for justice, for right relationships among nations. It also means to pray for freedom, especially for religious freedom, which is a fundamental human and civil right of every human being.
To pray for peace means to pray that we may receive God’s forgiveness and at the same time, grow in courage so that we are able to forgive others.”(14)
