VATICAN CITY, MARCH 7, 2007 ( The Vatican Web site is offering a compilation of the Holy Father’s teachings and other tools for celebrating the liturgical season.

The site’s Focus section offers five tabs: Words of the Holy Father, Lenten Stations, Lenten Music, Calendar of Celebrations, and Live.

The first, Words of the Holy Father, is updated with Benedict XVI’s teachings during this liturgical season, beginning with his message for Lent. The site will include all his addresses during Holy Week ceremonies.

Under the Lenten Stations tab is a list of each stational church, and a brief Italian explanation of each stop.

The Lenten Music section includes hymns from the Pontifical Musical Chorus of the Sistine Chapel.

The Calendar of Celebrations presided over by Benedict XVI is posted.

The Live section connects directly to the Vatican Television Center, which has the schedule of its live broadcasts for the month of March.
