Homelessness Sunday is an annual day of ecumenical prayer and action marked by over 2,000 churches in England, Scotland and Wales. Scheduled for the last Sunday in January each year this group tries to raise consciousness of the needs of the homeless.

From their website

Homelessness Sunday 2007 will be held on 28 January 2007. The theme for the 15th Homelessness Sunday is No Home � No Justice.

In our affluent consumer society we are all encouraged to think of our dwellings as monetary assets rather than as the heart of family life, as places of comfort and safe refuge, and as key components of our identity. In contrast Homelessness Sunday will focus on some of the injustices that are linked with homelessness.

They provide a resource pack which features material on homelessness, affordability; the shortage of social housing; rural homelessness; homeless and destitute asylum seekers and the problems faced by Central European nationals in Britain who are not entitled to welfare benefits.
