It was particularly distressing for St. Vincent de Paul. Finding ourselves at the center of the “housing-for-the-homeless” crisis – as well as in violation of the city’s land-use codes and the recipient of taunts and jeers on Jan. 12 from those we help 365 days a year – was difficult.On behalf of the board of directors of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, we want to thank all the individuals, agencies and church groups that rallied to assist the men and women who lived in the “tent city” on our property on Fourth Avenue N in St. Petersburg.

It was a stressful time for all caught up in the firestorm that accompanied the establishment of this makeshift haven for the homeless

Although we had no alternative but to obey the law and comply with the deadlines to shut down the area, we believe the negatives of the week were superseded by the positives. The heightened publicity brought a new public awareness to the plight of individuals who live on our streets. We had many offers of help from those moved by what they read and saw.

Moreover, despite the problems, the “tent city” resulted in a unified effort to provide an array of services to the homeless, many of whom have no idea what resources may be available to them. Perhaps it was also a prototype for a program that might be formally organized in the future.

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