The third in a series of national gatherings of the followers of Vincent will take place in San Francisco, May 3-6, 2007

According to partipant’s evaluations the first two (St. Louis, and Princeton) far exceeded expectations and this one promises to do the same.

Featured Speakers:

Sister Margaret Keaveney, DC
Visitatrix of the Province of the West
Los Altos Hills, CA

Patricia Palacios de Nava
Past President,
Association of International Charities
Mexico City, Mexico

Reverend Richard Benson, CM
Academic Dean
Professor of Moral Theology
St. John’s Seminary, Camarillo

Vincentian Trailblazers
will share their innovative
approaches to Ministries that embody
Vincentian Mission and Values

Conference Registration Fee:

Before March 15 $175
After March 15 $200


Call: Kathie Bassett

Tour of THE CITY: Only $10,
payable with registration

Hotel Reservations are separate

Special rate: $89 per night single or double
Rate applies 3 days before or after the conference so one can make the most of the trip

Sheraton Gateway Hotel
Near the San Francisco International Airport

For up to date details visit the website

2006 Presentations

Sr. Regina Bechtle, SC “Going With God’s Flow”

Robert Maloney, CM


Dennis Holtschneider
