Here is a sampling of recent articles that have appeared on the USA site of St. Vincent de Paul Society.SVdP Cincinnati Gets Makeover – Saturday, September 23, 2006

St. Vincent de Paul in Cincinnati is showing off the results of a $2.5 million renovation.

SVdP Conference Being Revitalized – Friday, September 22, 2006

Although the local chapter of the St. Vincent de Paul Society has always had a pulse, 17 members of the North Adams, Massachusetts Catholic community are rejuvenating the charitable organization.

Ozanam Article – Thursday, September 21, 2006

“Ozanam: Building the Good Society” was written by David L. Gregory, Dorothy Day Professor of Law at St. John’s University, and published in the Summer 2005 issue of the University of St. Thomas Law Journal.

Madison Thrift Store Is Fashion Favorite – Monday, September 18, 2006

St. Vincent de Paul was named the best store for women’s clothing in Madison, in a dead heat with the former Marshall Fields, in Isthmus’ readers’ favorites poll last month.

Delaware’s own ‘Servant of the Poor’ – Monday, September 18, 2006

St. Patrick’s-St. Mary’s Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Wilmington, Delaware bestows its first “Servant of the Poor” award on Sister Dolores Macklin.

HOPE Makes Its Debut – Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Check out pictures of HOPE, the Society’s new emergency vehicle, making its debut at the Annual Meeting in Indianapolis.

The Living Rule – Tuesday, September 05, 2006
In his keynote address at the Society of St. Vincent de Paul’s recent Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, Fr. Dennis Holtschneider, CM urged attendees to take the Society’s Rule to heart and become “Living Rules.”

Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina

Tuesday, August 29th, marks the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, the greatest natural disaster in American history. For a look back at the year our whole world changed, click here.

