The monthly bulletin is now online with highlights of youth actitivities from around the world.highlights for United States readers…

Fr. Dan Thiess, National Priest Advisor, wrote to share with us that the Association in the USA is gaining momentum. They started with the “Simple Living” project in East St. Louis wherein 200 young adults participated in coordination with the DC. Then, they will be undertaking the “Home Build” and “Teen Life” projects in June. We were also informed that they are starting to get in touch with some contacts from the other states of the country in order to establish groups there.

In Chicago, the Sister Advisor,Sr. Sheila Marie Hart, informed us that on May 20, the members prepared hundreds of sandwiches and lunch bags to be distributed to the homeless in the vicinity. This project is called “Night Ministry” and they counted on the support of drivers who have experience in seeking for these poor people. Different charitable groups participated in the distribution and they ended with a prayer and reflection before going back to their own homes.

Some members and Advisors of the Association participated in the Vincentian Family Encounter in New Jersey. The activity was keynoted by the former Director General, Fr. Robert Maloney, who gave an overview of worldwide Vincentian Family collaborations and issued them the challenge to move their efforts to the structural / systemic level. Please visit for more information. In the said assembly, the Interim President, advisors and some VMY members took the opportunity to discuss about the situation of the VMY in their respective regions and planned to exert more effort in responding to the concerns of the groups.

