The Council General in Paris is calling for our help for the victims of the mudslide in the Philippines.April 17, 2006

Dear Sister and Brother Vincentians,

Re: Assistance for the Philippines

The Council General in Paris is calling for our help. As you know, in February an unprecedented mudslide virtually demolished the village of St. Bernard in Southern Leyte in the Philippines. Ten days of incessant rain softened the soil, then, a mild tremor triggered the mountain’s collapse. Schools, with students and teachers, and families, all were buried alive. Thankfully, there were survivors.

We are writing today on behalf of those survivors. Students from elementary to college level have suddenly found themselves orphaned, homeless, and “finance-less”. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Southern Leyte is working to identify and support the survivors.

The terrible recent disasters have called for much from our Councils and Conferences, and we thank you for your past generosity and your loyal support. Please answer CGI’s call with the legendary spirit of our Society, to help the Philippine people. Send your contribution directly to the National Office indicating on the check that the funds are to be directed to the Philippine disaster.

In the spirit of St. Vincent de Paul and Blessed Frédéric Ozanam,

Joseph D. Flannigan
National President
