PARIS, February 5, 2005 ( A DVD (55 min duration) titled L’Histoire Naturelle d’Armand David on the life and work of our French confrere Fr Armand David CM has been published recently. Read more in English about this scientist-priest.

Details of the DVD are on the FamVin Francophone Site.

Information in English concerning the work and travels of this confrere, especially in China, can be found in the article on the Australian Vincentian Website by Fr Bernard Scott CM – Père Jean Pierre Armand David CM, (Oceania Vincentian, September 2004, Vol. 5, 43-100). Note this is a lengthy article in PDF Format and may take some time to download.

Thanks to Tim Williams, C.M. for drawing attention to this.

See also the Wikipedia article and a Google search on Armand David for further details of his scientifc career.

Nova PBS
