The International Council of the Association, after meeting in Madrid on December 1-3, 2005, would like to propose a new theme for the year that has just started, “Committed to the Mission to Those Most Needy.” With this, we wish to express our dream to see Vincentian Marian Youth live this year out in a constant attitude of service, collaboration y fraternal love.The current newsletter then goes on to unpack the meaning of the theme and give its usual world-wide roundup of activities.

Dear VMY members of the whole world:

The International Council of the Association, after meeting in Madrid on December 1-3, 2005, would like to propose a new theme for the year that has just started, “Committed to the Mission to Those Most Needy.” With this, we wish to express our dream to see Vincentian Marian Youth live this year out in a constant attitude of service, collaboration y fraternal love.

The expression “Committed” invites us to ACT. We consider as an act our dedication to the service of the Mission which Christ entrusted us and be inspired as well in living out the wish of the Blessed Virgin (an Association for the young people in difficult situations) and the Vincentian Charism. Is this commitment already a reality in our lives, our groups and our regions? What steps are we going to take so that this affirmation may coincide with the way we live? The service of the Kingdom does not consist of merely affirming our convictions and our appreciation for the Gospel values. It is a call to welcome in our lives the radicalism of the Gospel, to experience a profound encounter with Christ and allow His Spirit to transform us and make us servants to the Project of God. Only through a deeply lived-out spirituality, in union with Christ in the Eucharist and guided by the Words of God will we be able to place ourselves in the service to the Mission.

Jesus Christ called us to collaborate in the Mission of the Church with others. Last year, on the occasion of our 2nd General Assembly, we insisted on lay spirituality, leadership of the young people, and the need for each one to assume his / her responsibility confident in that of the others as well. Without losing sight of this perspective, this year we would like to emphasize in sharing the Mission WITH those most needy.

In his message last May 29, 2005, the Delegate to the Vincentian Family said that “in each place, identify the situations of the least fortunate brothers and sisters and respond to these concrete situations within your countries.” Taking this idea, we would like to invite you to work WITH them. The most needy persons are not the beneficiaries of our actions; they are our collaborators. They live poverty and the consequences of injustice in flesh and they may, better than we do, find means and solutions by placing their God-given gifts, creativity and their beings in the service for the cause of the Kingdom. Our task is to journey with them, uphold their integral promotion, help them find Christ and carry out their own development. For us they are the face of Christ, the image of the living God, the living Word that questions us; they our brothers and sisters in the pilgrimage towards the Kingdom

We therefore express our desire to live the Mission in the Final Document of our 2nd General Assembly. Many groups and Councils are already familiar with and are working on it. We trust that it may continue to inspire their decisions and concrete actions. We dream that this year may be marked with a great ardor in sharing formation materials, financial means, fraternal interest for the National Associations, an effort to maintain and create ties of friendship, fruitful attempt in the collaboration with the Vincentian Family and a more effective service in favor of our brothers and sisters. This year God wants our commitment to become more profound and effective because the Kingdom is for those who listen and put into practice the Word of God, those who commit to the cause of the Kingdom and those who are capable of recognizing in every man and woman, a brother and a sister.

Yasmine Cajuste

VMY International President
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