Despite the boom times in most areas and massive increases in spending, the St. Vincent de Paul Society in Ballina is paying out much more money than it collects in donations and its annual collection.St Vincent de Paul has big income shortfall in Ballina

Last year the shortfall was a massive €65 000 and the continuation of its services – and donations to the poor and needy – was only made possible by income generated by its excellent shop at Ozanam House, Teeling Street, Ballina.
It may come as a surprise to many people that by far the greatest expenditure of the Society at the present time is on third level education fees. Out of total expenditure of €150,247 in 2004 a massive €66,673 went on education.

Other expenditures were, Food, €35,385; Fuel/ESB, €7,60; Medical/hospital visits, €31,924; Clothing/furniture, €5,200 and holidays, €3,445.
Total income came to €85,419 and was made up of: Donations, €42,017; Grants, €20,351; Business street appeal €9,038 and Bequests, €20,351.
In Ballina the Society operates a wide range of services and facilities from its Resource Centre – Ozanam House – where there is a full-time office, furniture store, meeting rooms, home management centre and a charity clothes shop.

There are three family visitation conferences in the town who meet weekly and visit families in their homes. They also have youth conferences in the schools who organise various fund raising projects, visit the elderly and assist in the charity shop.

They arrange a furniture collection and delivery service. People donate items of furniture to the society who then distributes them to disadvantaged families.

The Society tries to help people to help themselves by running various courses in their Centre. A home management and self-development course runs during the year and is aimed at women of all ages. As well as offering them a social outlet this course provides them with cookery, budgeting, nutrition and healthcare classes. They also organise courses in stress management, parenting and special programmes for lone parents.
An office in the Centre provides emergency help for clients as well as referring cases to the visitation conferences. They liaise with social workers, community welfare officers, health nurses, home school liaison coordinators and other statutory and voluntary agencies.

The charity shop is the Society’s main source of income. It funds the running of the resource centre as well as many of the charitable works. It also provides cheap quality clothing and household items and is staffed by 50 volunteers on rota basis.
