My name is Margaret Taylor and I have just begun the first Stage of my Initial Formation with the Daughters of Charity.
I was born in Cork, Ireland, spent my early childhood in Ireland and England and moved to South Africa with my parents when I was a teenager.

I finished school and university in south Africa. In 1980- armed with a degree in Geography I moved to Namibia (a semi-arid country in south-western Africa) to work in the National Archives of Namibia as an Archivist. During the next few years I gained professional qualifications in both Archival Science and Library Science. I lived and worked in Namibia until 2002 becoming very involved in my local parish and of the Catholic church in Namibia.

For a number of years I have felt that God was calling me to do more but I didn’t know what.

I first discovered the Daughters of Charity through the website after I had moved to England in 2002 and something about their spirituality and lifestyle appealed to me. I wanted to know more so I emailed the contact address and was amazed to receive a phone call the next day with an invitation to meet Sister Maureen Tinkler.

Remainder of story
