During his homily, Fr. David O’Connell, CM said that 65 percent of the world’s population is younger than 25. Some of the people these youths look up to “have compromised the most important things in life,” he said, such as human life and the importance of family. “Is it any wonder that many young people have lost their way?”
Vincentian Father David O’Connell, university president, celebrated the Mass for the youths and their families.

During his homily, he said that 65 percent of the world’s population is younger than 25. Some of the people these youths look up to “have compromised the most important things in life,” he said, such as human life and the importance of family. “Is it any wonder that many young people have lost their way?”

Father O’Connell praised the youths in attendance for giving up their Saturday to come and be filled with the Word of God.

“You are waiting for God to speak to you as we together build a culture of life,” he said. “If 65 percent of the world would listen to God, what a change it would be.”

The 13th International Week of Prayer and Fasting was held Oct. 2-10. On Oct. 8, more than 150 people came together for the Youth and Family Rally held at Catholic University in Washington. The day included talks from top-notch speakers on subjects such as Mary, the Eucharist, bioethics and chastity. Participants also gathered to recite the rosary and chaplet of divine mercy, and confession and eucharistic adoration were available.

