The new Society Rule has been produced as a combined Rule for Australia, divided into three parts. Parts one and two cover the Rules and Statutes of the International Confederation of the St Vincent de Paul Society, while part three covers the internal Articles and basic principles of the Society’s operation in Australia.

SYDNEY, September 11, 2005 ( John O’Neill, NSW/ACT state president of the St Vincent de Paul Society, comments for The Catholic Weekly on the new Rule for the St Vincent de Paul Society

The St Vincent de Paul Society is part of a changing world. We have seen in recent times, moves by the Society to adapt to the fluid and dynamic environment in which we operate, as we struggle to meet legislative requirements and keep up with social and technological changes.

At the same time, it is vital to ensure as times change and as we adapt, that we remain true to our mission by wholeheartedly abiding by our policies and procedures and principles. These principles are known as “The Rule”. The primary purpose of the St Vincent de Paul Society Rule is to improve our service to the poor and therefore enhance the spiritual journey of our members.

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