The upgrade of the St Vincent de Paul Society’s Matthew Talbot Hostel at Woolloomooloo means it can now accommodated 500 men each night.Sydney’s largest hostel for homeless men unveiled a $1.6 million refurbishment.

The upgrade of the St Vincent de Paul Society’s Matthew Talbot Hostel at Woolloomooloo means it can now accommodated 500 men each night.

The refurbishment of the hostel, which was first established in 1938, was funded by St Vincent de Paul Society’s benefactors.

The upgrading means single rooms make up 60 per cent of the accommodation. Hostel president Pat O’Flynn said the increase in rooms was part of trying to increase the dignity, privacy and comfort for clients.

“The kindness of our supporters has funded the development of more private and homely accommodation for the homeless men of Sydney, providing them with a greater sense of dignity,” he said.

The upgrade also included improved education spaces for skills development, with the aim being to help the homeless to rejoin the community.

The refurbished centre was officially opened by NSW Attorney General Bob Debus and blessed by Cardinal George Pell who said the centre was there to “better serve the needs of those who will find shelter, help and encouragement here”.

Channel Nine, Australia
