Peace is the Fruit of Justice is the collective and official statement of the Adamson
University community in regard to calls for the resignation of Philippine
President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo:Our country today stands in a precipice fraught with danger that can lead
to a possible disintegration of our nation. The present political upheaval
that forebodes economic disaster will mean more hardship and suffering for
our people, especially for the socially disadvantaged. There are calls for
the establishment of a transitional revolutionary government, the
formation of a military junta, and other extra-constitutional means to
replace the President. We cannot just close our eyes, fold our arms and do

We, the Adamson University community, as a Catholic educational
institution of higher learning, diligently pursue truth and justice,
inspired by Gospel values and guided by the teachings of the Church.

Acting as a catalyst of social transformation and in empowering the
academic community to become agents of change, we respond to this critical
time of our history by making the following declarations:

* We pray that President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo will find in the goodness
of her heart the courage to make the ultimate sacrifice of stepping down
voluntarily for the good of our country and people;

* We believe that she can not continue to govern our country under a cloud
of doubt and mistrust. Without in any way judging her actions, the search
for truth and justice demands accountability and acceptance of

* We support the call for the establishment of a Truth Commission which
will examine and initiate much needed reforms in our system of governance
to save the nation from perennial and seemingly hopeless political and
economic instability;

* We renounce violence, extremism, mob rule and other extra constitutional
means to solve the present crisis. We adhere to the provisions of our
constitution and the rule of law.

In this present turmoil besetting our country, let us call to mind the
words of the prophet Isaiah, “Justice will bring about peace; justice will
produce calm and security forever.” (32:17)

If we want peace, we have to work for justice.

