Mary Margaret Keaton, a collaborator on famvin and Vincentian Center for Church and Society projects as well as a product of Daughters of Charity education in Lynchburg,Virginia, has published what promises to be a very influential and successful book: IMAGINING FAITH WITH KIDS: Unearthing Seeds of the Gospel in Children’s Stories from Peter Rabbit to Harry Potter.


Thomas Groome writes, “Keaton is masterful in discovering moments of resonance in children’s stories that point to the greatest story ever told – the Good New of Jesus Christ. The editor of CELEBRATION writes…”Not since Bettleheim’s classic USES OF ENCHANTMENT has there been this thorough and readable a treatment of storytelling in the lives of children.”

The book also received very favorable attention at an international book fair and will most likely be translated into other languages.


For further information visit Pauline Bookstore. Also available through Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

