A story of joy in AngolaOn 29th January Sister Incarnacion Criado, Provincial Assistant of the Province of San Vicente, Madrid, and Fr Enrique Sanz, Provincial Director, went to Angola to visit the Sisters in the Mission of Luanda, Lobito and Balombo (Angola). This mission depends on the Province of San Vicente.

On 2nd January, Sister Judite and Sister Angelina, two Angolan Sisters, ratified their total gift of self to God by pronouncing their vows for the first time, vows of service of the poor, chastity, poverty and obedience. These Sisters had the first stages of Formation – postulancy and Seminary – in Spain. Our congratulations to both of them and our best wishes for the mission of Angola.

In Luanda there are four Sisters who are in their second year of Seminary formation.

Daughters of Charity International
