“Warm greetings from the International Council General, Paris.


We’d like to inform you about the last publications that are posted a couple days ago on our international web site www.ozanet.org
“Most of you wanted to know what the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul did for the tragical disaster in South East Asia and how the Council General faced this kind of emergency situation;

Here’s the “exclusive newsletters – Asi@news” in which you can get all the necessary information about SSVP’s prompt actions.

The 2nd issue of Asi@news is already available on our homepage; and the 1st one is accesible too: all you have to do is to choose your language and then get the “html version” or the “pdf” !



You’re very probably familiar with this special newsletter which informs you about the coming Ordinary General Assembly that will take place in Salamanca, Spain in june 2005.

In this January/2005 issue we let you know about how the elections will be organised and some overview of the eventual agenda!


It’s worth to take a look anyway!


You can find some other articles on the “tsunami” as well as others on different projects like in Panama and India.


Enjoy the surfing!

All our best Vincentian wishes!



Giovanna Taoussi

Executive Delegate for Communication

Confederation of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul

International Council General


