“The challenges my students face are totally unjust,” Sister Garcia remarked. “Their families struggle for basic needs.”Together in Mission: ‘Strongest sign’ of church’s educational mission – By Paula Doyle

On a scale of one to ten, ten being most impoverished, Mother of Sorrows School in South Los Angeles is a nine. Ninety-four percent of the predominantly Catholic families registered at the school live below the poverty level. Without subsidy funds from Together in Mission, both the school and the church would be in dire straits.

“For me, Together in Mission is a ministry of the church because Jesus commanded us to take care of those who have less,” said Daughter of Charity Sister Martha Garcia, Mother of Sorrows School principal. “With funds from Together in Mission, children who might not have been able to come to our school are able to do so.”

Located in an area of Los Angeles where a majority of the residents struggle for basic necessities such as food, shelter and living wage jobs, the parish is an oasis of hope. “Parents are so grateful,” said Sister Garcia. “They tell me all the time, ‘If it weren’t for your help, I wouldn’t be able to keep my child in your school.'” Approximately one-third of the school’s 240-member student body receives tuition assistance from Together in Mission funds.

Six years ago, the Daughters of Charity added Mother of Sorrows School to their ministry, providing additional financial assistance through their foundation. The school had been in danger of closing due to low enrollment and tremendous financial need. The Together in Mission school subsidy, channeled exclusively into tuition assistance, assures that low-income families in the parish and neighborhood can give their children the gift of a Catholic education.

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