As we begin the Year of the Eucharist some might wish to review the recent article written by Robert Maloney, CM “Love is Creative Even to Infinity — On the Eucharist in the Vincentian Tradition”Vincent’s words (Creative Unto Infinity) …. refer to the institution of the Eucharist. Vincent, in speaking to a dying brother in 1645, exhorted him to think of God’s mercy. After describing many of the signs of God’s tender love, he told the brother that Jesus, foreseeing his death, did not want to leave his followers alone. He feared that in his absence their hearts would grow cold. And so, he tells the brother, “since love is creative even to infinity … he instituted this venerable sacrament which serves as food and drink for us … Because love is eager to do everything it can, he so willed it.”

In this article I offer some reflections on the Eucharist in the Vincentian tradition. Following a methodology I have used on many other occasions, I will divide these reflections into three parts:


The Eucharist in the life and writings of St. Vincent


Some horizon shifts between the 17th and 20th centuries


Some reflections, in a Vincentian context, on the Eucharist today

The full text

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Apostolic Letter on the Year of the Eucharist

Vatican Suggestions and Proposals

United Stataes Catholic Conference Resources for the Year of the Eucharist
