“Vincentian Education in the Philippines: From Servant University to Education with a Heart”

Full coverage complete with inaugural address and extensive photo album can be found on Investiture

From the inaugural address…

As the Vincentians took over the reins of Adamson University, they brought with them their heritage of compassionate service to the poor and core values anchored on the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, their solid experience in education, a deeply spiritual and holistic approach to the development of the human person, and even a strong sense of nationalism.

Together, the two traditions of the Adamsons and the Vincentians are likened to two separate streams that joined together to form a mighty river, converging towards many common grounds such as the same clients they serve, awareness of every individual’s social responsibility, a functional and practical education, and a continuous striving for excellence in education.

The confluence of these two streams of influence has brought Adamson its own share of glory and fame in academic excellence, professionalism, service to the poor and development impact in society. This glorious heritage is what we are called to build on and to bring forward with renewed commitment and bold creativity.

At this point, I invite you to reflect with me on how we can further sharpen the vision and mission of Adamson University by putting higher education within the perspective of the poor.

Other CM Administrators at Adamson University

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Vincentians in Higher Education
