I would like to draw your attention to the technique developed by the Daughters of Charity for inexpensive reproduction of small pamphlets related to charism or ministries.The previous post contained a link to the international site of the Daughters of Charity and their preformatted explanatory “print and fold” leaflets that simply need to be printed and then folded by anyone interested.

I would just like to highlight the implications of this approach for adaptation in charism and ministry promotion.

It effectively minimizes the cost of reproduction as a variation on “books on demand” publication which avoids the necessity of warehousing published copies by allowing the end user to publish the pamphlet.

Since the copy is online it allows for instant update and revision without having to go through a publisher and the disposal of unused stock.

With the increased availability of color printers these pamphlets could be very attractive.

Among the uses might be short pamphlets geared for vocational discernment, explanations of various ministries, etc. The only limit of topics would be ingenuity.

Note also that the material could also be in many languages.

PS The pamaphlets on the Daughters of Charity site may be formatted for the standard European size page which is larger tha the North American 8.5 x11. If you need help with how to compensate for that please contact me John Freund, CM
