The JMV monthly bulletin for September is now available. After the following intruduction the document moves through a world tour of the activities of the JMV in various countries of the world.
“When activity invades us, dreams make us dynamic and our lives would be immersed in profound and vital experiences, it is necessary to feel a little like a “pilgrim”, like someone in need, in search, disinterested and open to the novelties that are presented to us in our daily journey.

“The way of life, with its ups and downs, changes, goals, uncertainties, places us in what is essential to life; in the dynamism that one has understood as “to walk is to live.” The way as Christians, followers of Jesus, could not parallel with the way of our own lives. It is called to fit in. Together with the exterior way— our pastoral programs, encounters, meetings, services… we also make a way within ourselves to that whom we live and exist for; He who looks at us with eyes of love and tells us each day, “Come and follow me.”

“The way of life, the way of following Jesus, is an authentic school of faith and life. “It teaches us to:

– Do without many things and travel light
– Live together closely with others
– Come to terms with the value of pain and suffering
– Have goals and ideals and fight firmly to achieve those without despairing in spite of failures
– Distinguish between what is important and what is superficial
– Know oneself; one’s capacities of suffering… and even those you have never even imagined.
– See Jesus within the people around us

“If your passion for Christ is real, don’t stop from feeling the experience of a pilgrim; the experience of joy of someone whom Jesus of Nazareth has invited to be a witness of love in the way of life because for the true follower of Jesus, everything is symbolic of his presence: a word that leads, occasions for the more joyful following, such that, even those moments of disappointments and or when goals seem to vanish, they transform to right occasions (challenges) to be overcome.

“Do not allow activity to enclose or paralyze us, but on the contrary, let us live our faith and pastoral experiences from the depth of our identity and the commitment to the Church, the poor and to the many people around us.


Sr. Asun Garcia D.C.

The document continues with the world tour of the JMV

Full document in Word format