The Australian Catholic Social Justice Council has prepared a list of reflection for Australian voters to consider as they prepare for elections.”As we approach the federal election, we need to be informed about policies proposed by all political parties. The Catholic Church calls each of us to be active in public life. It encourages us to vote wisely to ensure a fair go for all Australians, especially the most vulnerable members of our society.”

“The Church does not tell us for whom to vote, nor does it endorse any political party. Often, it may be difficult to judge which policies are the most consistent with Christian values and people may legitimately disagree on such matters.”

For the full text visit their web site.

For an American echo of the paragraphs above note the statement of Cardinal McCarrick of Washington.

“Aug. 30 ( – Cardinal Theodore McCarrick of Washington, DC, has said that it is “impossible” to find an ideal presidential candidate in the US, but said the American bishops hope to “define moral principles clearly” in order to guide voters.

In an interview with the Italian daily Avvenire , the American cardinal said the US bishops’ conference would “not take sides with one candidate or another,” but would “present the faithful with the criteria that should guide them toward political choices worthy of a Catholic.”

Cardinal McCarrick said that the foremost issue in this year’s elections should be “respect for life.” But he quickly added that “questions tied to peace and social justice, as well as aid for the poor,” should have equal footing. “
