On the morning of August 25, there will be a Webcast in which you will be able to meet several survivors of the Darfur genocide, as well as aid workers on the front lines.  You will hear their voices and see their faces live as they tell their own stories.  You will also be able to submit questions.  The event will take place at 9:00 AM eastern time (sorry it’s so early, but for safety reasons, we have to end before the sun goes down in Chad). 

For futher information visit http://www.truemajority.org/darfur_webcast.cfm

The Save Darfur Coalition has declared Wednesday a national day of conscience.  Events are going on around the country, and our favorite one is a mass fast.  You can join the fast by refusing to eat solid foods from sunrise to sunset.  When you sign up, you’ll add your point of light and short statement to an online map of the United States, and we’ll tell the media about it.  Sign up below:



Whether you choose to join the fast or not, be sure to catch the webcast.  Don’t worry if it’s too early to catch live; we’ll be archiving it so you can see it later in the day if you want.  Feel free to invite your friends to join the webcast too.

 <a href=http://www.darfurgenocide.org/<http://www.darfurgenocide.org/
