On the 10th August Sr Kay Trivett and Sr Maureen Tinkler left Heathrow airport bound for JFK airport, New York. They were met by Sr Maura Hobart who whisked them off to the Daughters of Charity local community house in Brooklyn. Here they spent a few days before going to Albany to give input at the Daughters Community Weekend in the North East Province’s Provincial House. The short visit had 3 main purposes:

To experience Service of the Poor in another Province

To experience Community Life in another Province

To recover from jet lag 

The hospitality of the DCs was wonderful and they really pulled out all the stops. The range of ministries flowing from the house (the former site of St John’s University) is truly remarkable.

For more information visit http://www.daughtersofcharity.org.uk/news/Brits%20in%20New%20York.htm

For a related story visit http://www.daughtersofcharity.org.uk/news/USA%20North%20East%20Province%20Weekend.htm
