A new link (Charism Reflections) on the Sisters of Charity Federation website makes 29 “Charity Connection” papers readily available. These essays, written collaboratively twice a year by sisters from Federations congregations, explore contemporary implications of the Vincentian-Setonian heritage and offer their insights to members.From the contents page at http://www.sisters-of-charity.org

From the Table of Contents

Essay1 Shaping Spirituality – Mission, Reflection, Community
2 Reclaiming Our Virtues: Humility, Simplicity, Charity
3 Embracing the Eucharistic Presence
4 Extending Hospitality and Friendship
5 Becoming Children of the Church
6 Partnering with God in Our Work
7 Using Material Resources in the Charity Tradition
8 Listening to Our Early Sisters
9 Serving as a Bridge Between Rich and Poor
10 “Belonging” to the Community of Charity
12 Choosing Ministries, Living the Mission
11 Participating in Shared Leadership
13 Empowering Women – Ourselves and Others
14 Images of God in the Vincentian Tradition
15 Nurturing Relationships Through Communication
16 On Humility: A Contemporary Conference
17 On Simplicity: A Contemporary Conference
18 On Charity: A Contemporary Conference
19 Jubilee: A Year of Favor From the Lord
20 Justice: Into a New Millennium
21 Liberation and Freedom
22 Proclaiming the Good News
23 Who Do You Say That I Am?
24 Why Discernment?
25 Jesus Asks, “Who Do You Say That I Am?”
26 Advocacy: A Voice for the Voiceless
27 For the Love of God, Take Care of Yourself!
28 Relationship With the Institutional Church
29 Re-Membering Charity

This item found in VISION, a publication of the Sisters of Charity of New York.
