Fr. Charles Shelby has graciously sent the text of the presentation about this “largest branch of the Vincentian family” which he made to the delegates at the CM General Assembly.Report on the
International Association of the Miraculous Medal
Charles F. Shelby, C.M.


The first purpose of this presentation is to describe the changes that have taken place in the International Association of the Miraculous Medal, the AMM, since the last General Assembly in 1998. Second, I will also share some plans and challenges for the future, and I will affirm the importance of your support. The Association is active in many countries of the world, but my focus here is international.

I do not have the time to present, and you do not have the need to hear, an explanation of the AMM or of the Miraculous Medal. You already know it well enough.

Still, I will remind you that there is but one AMM in the world. The AMM in the various countries is just that, the AMM in that country. Unity is not uniformity. The diversity of the AMM is one of our strengths. The Director General has always respected and affirmed the uniqueness of the AMM as it exists in each country and culture.

Where We Were in 1998

At the time of the General Assembly in 1998, the AMM had just received newly revised and approved international statutes. They are in Appendix 2 of this presentation. These statutes renewed the AMM in the spirit of the Vatican Council II. Although the AMM has a long history, this was a new beginning, and it was less than seven years ago.

It was the insight of our last Superior General that the AMM was the largest branch of the Vincentian Family, and that its millions of members could be a formidable force serving and advocating on behalf of the poor. In January 1998 Bob Maloney asked me to represent the AMM to the Vincentian Family at its annual meeting of leaders. In July I was invited to the General Assembly in that same capacity.

First International Meeting of the AMM

Our statutes do not provide for an assembly of the AMM, but they do not forbid a meeting. Thus it happened that the first international meeting of the leaders of the AMM occurred in October of 2001. The theme was “A New Image for a New Millennium.” Among the results of the meeting was a request for some international structure beyond the person of the Director General.

The New International Structure of the AMM

To make a long story short, by the summer of 2002 this structure was in place:

• An International Coordinator, delegate of the Director General, is responsible for promoting the national structures of the AMM, for offering formation materials, for establishing a web site, and for publishing a newsletter. In 2002 I was appointed the first International Coordinator.

• A Coordinating Council of the AMM—consisting of a CM priest, a Daughter of Charity, and a lay person—represents different countries and languages, assists the International Coordinator, and meets with him once each year. The current council members are: Father Janusz Zwolinski, CM (Congo), Sister Marie Yonide Midy, DC (Haiti, living in Paris), and Mrs. Martha Leticia Tapia (Mexico).

We have met three times—in November of 2002, July of 2003, and February of 2004. Our current plan is to meet each year at the time of the meeting of international leaders of the Vincentian Family.

Growth of the AMM

There have been two ways that the AMM has grown since 1998. First, it has been newly established in some areas of the world. Second, it has developed in areas where it already exists. There are 56 locations for the AMM around the world. The complete list is Appendix 1 to this presentation.
Web Site and Newsletter of the International AMM

I see the role of a coordinator as one who enables people and groups to work together, to collaborate, and to benefit from one another. It implies building and maintaining a network.

In this age, the Internet is the premier medium for communication, and the international AMM communicates primarily through the Internet. Email is used for virtually all correspondence. The web site of the International AMM, began in July of 2003 and is in three languages, English, Spanish, and French. The site is a resource for leaders.

It contains:

• Official documents—international and national statutes, and final documents from meetings

• Formation materials—talks, articles, and catecheses

• A calendar of events and a discussion forum

• A quarterly electronic newsletter, the AMM eBulletin (eBoletín en español)

Challenges Facing the International AMM

(There is not time to discuss the challenges facing the international AMM, but I have included a few in the written version of this talk, in case you want to read them.)

The international AMM will certainly be successful, because it is the work of the Miraculous Virgin Mary. Nevertheless, it has its challenges.

1. I have a full-time job in addition to being International Coordinator. (I am responsible for one of the larger national locations of the AMM. I am committed to giving 10% of my time to international work, but that fills up quickly.) The members of the Coordinating Council and the Vincentian Family give generous support, but they also have other duties.

2. There is no funding for the international AMM. The greatest expenses are travel for the president and the council, and the cost of the webmaster and web site. So far, all the expenses have been borne by my office in Perryville. We have a plan to ask a small assessment (one or two cents per registered member) to help with the expenses, but I have not yet taken the opportunity to announce it to the AMM national leaders. In very round figures, the cost is about $10,000 per year. Of course, we would welcome contributions. We also hope someday to have a small fund for helping the AMM get started in poorer countries.

3. The third challenge is translations. Practically all materials come to me in only one language. They must be translated into the other two. I do most of the translation into English as my schedule allows. With help, we do fairly well translating into Spanish. We have real difficulty getting materials into French.
Plans for the AMM—What We Will Not Do

In looking at the plans for the international AMM, I’d like to begin by saying what we will not do.

1. We will not impose uniform practices beyond the international statutes. This is Mary’s Association, and we would be foolish to try to impose our will on her as she guides the AMM in the variety of cultures in which it flourishes.

2. Neither the International Coordinator nor the council will ordinarily visit different countries. Of course, sometimes it may be possible for a nearby member of the Coordinating Council to attend a meeting or event. The two main reasons for not traveling are the expense and the time required.
Plans for the AMM—Activities

Now, here are some things that we plan to do.
1. We have an ambitious catechesis program on the web site, with a schedule of fourteen lessons planned for this year and seven already planned for 2005.

2. We are developing a set of procedures for establishing the AMM in a country.

3. We would like to have a second international meeting of AMM leaders in October of 2005.

Role of the Congregation of the Mission

Finally, what can the Congregation of the Mission do for the AMM?

Please continue your support. It is deeply appreciated, and it simply continues what Mary began when she revealed the Medal to Saint Catherine and entrusted its promotion to the C.M. The spiritual leadership of directors and advisors gives stability to the AMM.

Important, too, is your understanding of the direction of the AMM in the “new millennium,” as we bring God’s love and Mary’s concern to the church and especially to the poor. Together we share a common mission of evangelization and service.


Thank you. I look forward to your questions, whether during a session or later. I see you as valuable collaborators in this ministry, and I welcome your ideas and comments. If you want to contact me after I leave the Assembly, my email address is:
