In the year 2000 the first two Korean Vincentians were ordained priests in Manila, and one more priest followed the next year. Since 2002 the Philippine province was able to initiate the first Vincentian mission in Korea. The members of Korean Mission team are Fr.Greg Kim and Fr.Michael Kim.The answer Catholicism has been provoking in its Korean environment has been surprising from its very beginning.

Brought to Korea by lay people(Vincentian vocations from korea began the same way of their ancestors only in 1990 when 2 Korean student felt to find called to enter into the initial formation program of the Philippine Province.In the year 2000 the first two Korean Vincentians were ordained priests in Manila, and one more priest followed the next year. Since 2002 the Philippine province was able to initiate the first Vincentian mission in Korea. The members of Korean Mission team are Fr.Greg Kim and Fr.Michael Kim. They are now present in the Diocese of Inchon, which is located on the west side of metropolitan Seoul.

Other branches of the Vincentian Family have been in Korea ahead of the Congregation of the Mission, namely the Sisters of Charity of Seton Hills(1960), the Sisters of Charity of Paderborn(1961), the St.Vincent de paul Society(1962), and the Daughters of Charity(1978), the Catholic Church owes its first fruits, marked by the blood of a great number of witnesses, to the devotion and commitment of the laity. The martyrs, most of them laymen and women, set one of the characteristics of the Korea Church; its adult profile and stead commitment to the faith.

Today the martyrs are regarded by Korean Catholics as their ancestors in faith, of whom they are proud and who they try to emulate. The circumstances have changed but the spirit of christian commitment that characterized.

For many observes this is the reason behind the present motivation of lay catholics in Korea, so eager to deepen their faith, so faith to their commitment, so missionary-minded in their attitudes toward fellow Koreans.

However if you have travel to arrive in Seoul for the first time will be greatly surprised.

The Korean miracle is visible everywhere in the standard of living, the means of transportation, in housing, factories and economic activity.

The Catholic who arrives in Seoul will also be in for a suprise. Illuminated Crosses on the rooftops speak of the presence of christianity. But beyond external signs an alive Church, a dynamic laity and an ever-growing, well prepared clergy are the most evident marks of a suprisingly fast-growing Church.

(Today)Last week is st.Andrew Kim Tae gon and his companions of feast day. Fr.Kim Andrew was born from a famous noble family of an official of the regional government on August 21.1821.

I mean was born into his family of martys because his family are martyres and his father was martyred on september 26.1839.

By the way, he was a man of excellent intelligence and strong personality. He was a man of deep faith. When he was 15 years old age to send to Macao for theology study by Fr.French missionary Maubant with two other seminarians. But twice they had to go to Manila in the philippines to escape from the Opium war. So we called this place “Lolomboy in Bulacan.

Kim dea gon Andrew was ordined a decon in 1844 in China, and arrive at Seoul Korea on January 15.1845. And he was ordained a priest by bishop Ferreal on August 17.1845. Thus becoming the first Korean Priest.

But there are many miserable and sad things waiting for him by persecution.

He says”My dear breathen! Keep in mind that our Lord Jesus has come to this World, suffered a great deal of pain, and founded and forstered his Church by pain and suffering…”

Since the Catholic Church was introduced into Korea 50 or 60 years ago.

“In this difficult time, to be victorious, we must be steadfast using all of our strength and capabilities like brave soldiers fully armed in the battlefield”.

“You must love and help one another, and wait hopefully for the time when our Lord in his mercy will relieve our sufferings. Whatever happens, behave in such a way that God will be glorified.

After three months of imprisonment, Fr.Kim was behealed on september 16.1846. He was 26 years old when he was martyred. Just before death, he made a farewell sermon, saying “my eternal life is beginning now,”

However a short of history of 200 years, victims of persecutions whould number them at 10.000 or more. Among them 103 had been becoming saints, year of 1983.
Therefore through the blood of a great number of witnesses, and the first fruit.

-Catholics – 3.5millions
-Diocsan -13
-Bishop – 31
-Priest – 6500
-religious – 7000
-will be beatification – 75 members

One side, Vincentians in China had a unique relationship with the first Christian community in Korea. The Korean Church was established in 1784 when a korean lay person,(Peter) Seng Hoon Lee, was voluntarily baptized at the North Church of Peking. The following year Vincentians arrived in Peking to succeed the French Jesuits in their mission. After that Korean Catholics sent their delegates to Peking for pastoral consultation and help. Vincentians in Peking responded to their need with great concern and care so as to foster this new born Church in Korea. This mutual relationship lasted until the Korea Mission eventually was entrusted to the Foreign Missionaries of Paris by the Holy See in 1831.

In St.Vincent

Your Brother

Kim Yong Ki(gregorio)
Parish Priest

#475-10, Yanggok-Ri Yangchon-Myeon, Kimpo-City
Kyungki-Do, Korea(415-845)
Tel:0082-31-989-4662 Fax 0082-31-989-4661
