The SVDP site in England and Wales contains a note about how the churches in England wales are uniting around the issue of a living wage.The Living Wage for Wales Campaign brings together the Church in Wales , the Roman Catholic Church, the Presbyterian Church of Wales and Church Action on Poverty with the Welsh TUC to campaign for a Living Wage For Wales.

The Living Wage for Wales Campaign says that the Minimum Wage is simply not enough and instead we need a •Living Wageê which allows workers a low cost but acceptable quality of life. Campaigners hope to secure a Living Wage Clause in all Welsh Assembly funded contracts ? guaranteeing a •Living Wageê of £5.80 per hour.

The Campaign is targeting Assembly Candidates to get them to commit to the introduction of a •Living Wageê clause in all Welsh Assembly funded contracts. Niall Cooper, National Co-ordinator of Church Action on Poverty said •We are delighted that so many candidates have publicly stated their support for the Living Wage for Wales Campaign and are committed to the introduction of a Living wage Clause in all Welsh Assembly funded contracts. The introduction of such a clause will lift thousands of families across Wales from the blight of low income and poverty.
