Due to an oversight the May edition of the international newsletter of the Congregation of the Mission is two weeks late in being published on the web.Among the news items is a report of the project to the Daughters of Charity to rewrite the directory used by the Provincial Directors of the Daughters of Charity.

“From 23-25 May, the first meeting of the commission named by the Superior General to revise the Directory for the Provincial Directors of the Daughters of Charity after the approval of the new Constitutions was held at the Motherhouse of the Daughters of Charity on the Rue du Bac. The commission is made up of Frs. Javier Álvarez, Director General; Fernando Quintano, Joseph Daly, Alberto Vernaschi, and for the General Councillors of the Daughters of Charity, Sr. Julma Neo and Sr. Blanca Libia Tamayo. At this meeting in Paris they worked together to produce a first draft of the new Directory. The criteria followed for this work were: full adhesion to the new Constitutions and Statutes, clarity and simplicity. This draft will be submitted to a wide consultation.

Visit http://www.famvin.org/cm/nuntia/2004-05.html
