The USA national site of the Society of St. Vincent dePaul has a page listing a good number of it “twinning” projects around the world.In keeping with the vision of Blessed Frédéric Ozanam to create a network of charity, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul sponsors a program called “Twinning”.  Twinning is a process where by Councils or Conferences of the Society assist other Councils and/or Conferences that are unable to conduct their works of mercy because of lack of funds.  Twinning is conducted both domestically and internationally.


            Twinning is the building of a relationship of mutual love, respect, prayer and  sharing between two groups of people who choose to relate to each other  as brothers and sisters. When we choose to Twin with another Conference, we no longer desire to think only of the needs of our own Conference but also of the greater needs of another Conference.   

            Our Twinning Mission to is to build the Kingdom of God whenever and wherever we are called to make Christ visible through our spirituality and good works to the poor and needy not only in the United States, but also throughout the world. 


For more information regarding domestic or foreign Twinning, please contact
Scroll down the following page for further information
