The JMV international site in English has posted on it web site updates on some of the hunger related projects of the Vincentian Family

Specific reports concern Mexico Madagascar and Mozambique

From the Introductory letter…

During the 10th Meeting of the International Heads of the Vincentian Family, a member of the Commission for the Campaign against Hunger presented a report on the major part of the projects that have joined it.  The data given were based on 160 projects which, during these three years of the Campaign, have reached the hands of the Commission.  We are aware that there are many more but we do not have their data.  We can say that our vision, certainly based on reality, is still partial and limited but, at the same time, we believe that it helps us know the impact produced by this Campaign.

During this meeting with the International Heads of the Vincentian Family, we informed them of some specific data: type of Projects (assistance or fight against the causes); people benefited (children, the elderly, the sick, women, community); kind of actions undertaken (soup kitchens, schools, cultivation of fields, integral development of the community, etc.).  One can state that:

·        The number of projects undertaken in the various countries to attack the causes of hunger has increased.

·        The collaboration among the various branches of the Vincentian Family has intensified.

·        The amount of twinning among the countries has increased and solidarity is more noteworthy.

·        The funds received have increased and these have been placed at the disposition of the Campaign.

The Heads of the Vincentian Family evaluated these results very positively and they indicate:

·        Above all, their gratefulness to all the Vincentian groups and the National Coordinators of the Vincentian Family for the interest, the creativity and the solidarity with which they worked on this Campaign;

·        Their great desire that the Campaign continue its course because it has done much good for the poor;

·        That this Campaign is benefiting the Vincentian Family already because it has helped it live more fully the Vincentian vocation, with the feeling of family, and uniting its forces in order to reach further than projected in the service and evangelization of the most needy;

·        Their desire that, with creativity, Projects against hunger which have the following two characteristics above all, be continuously realized:

Ø     those that are directed to fight against the causes of poverty (development, promotion…);

Ø     and those that seek a greater participation of all the associations present in the country, region or locality.

The members of the Commission of the Campaign against Hunger wish to share with you, from among the projects we received, three which can serve as inspiration for new Projects to be realized (Madagascar, México and Mozambique).  We are sending you a AProject Outline@ that can help you as a guide to synthesize and evaluate each Project.

The poor, who still continue to hope for the presence of a helping hand that permits them to be on the way to salvation, are still many!  Take courage, brothers and sisters!

Fraternally in Saint Vincent,

Mrs. Any Rodríguez, AIC –

Sister Marie-Yonide Midy, DC –

Fr. Benjamín Romo, C.M. –

Members of the Commision of the Campaign against Hunger
