Visitors to newspaper Web sites exhibit a greater interest in politics and are more likely to be active participants in the political process than the general online population, according to Nielsen//NetRatings Political View analysis of survey data conducted for the Newspaper Association of America.

Key findings of the survey include:

• Online newspaper users are 29 percent more likely than general Internet users to identify themselves as “very interested” in government, politics and elections.

• They are 41 percent more likely to have attended a political meeting, rally or dinner.

• They are 39 percent more likely to have worked for a political candidate or party.

• They are 38 percent more likely to have written a letter or e-mail to others about a political issue.

• They are 36 percent more likely to have donated money to a political campaign or party.

• They are 30 percent more likely to have written a letter to an elected official.

• More than eight in 10 (82.8 percent) voted in the 2000 presidential elections.

• Nearly seven in 10 (69 percent) voted in the most recent local election.

The report is found on dedicated to information about fund-raising for Non-profit organizations.
