Just 12 days left to match the Alan Shawn Feinstein million dollar hunger challenge!
Act now to make your tax-deductible donation go further. All donations must be postmarked by April 30, 2004.

Three ways to give:

1. Call 510-654-4400, ext 234 to make a credit card donation.

2. Write a check and on the memo box line write Feinstein Match.
Mail you check before April 30 to Food First/Institute for Food & Development Policy at 398 60th St., Oakland, CA 94618.

3. Donate to Food First online at http://www.foodfirst.org/join/

Just click on the donate now button in the upper right corner of the web site. Donations of any amount received in the next 12 days will be automatically matched. If you don’t want to donate on line, just print this form and mail it with your check or credit card number.

Donations sustain Food First’s work aimed at obtaining the right of all to feed themselves and their families.

P.S. Please pass this e-mail on to a friend. Thank you!
