Sr Margaret Hastings DC speaks about the centre she runs in the East End
of Glasgow for women caught up in prostitution.The St. Vincent de Paul Society has as its motto,

“No work of charity is foreign to the Society.” 

The Glasgow Archdiocesan Council lived up to this motto when it responded to the late Cardinal Winning’s request to work more directly with women involved in prostitution. As a result of the Daughters of Charity ongoing collaboration, and Sr. Eleanor Roger’s in particular, with the St.Vincent de Paul Society I was asked with Sr. Eleanor to look at the feasibility of such a ministry.  The outcome of this was the opening of the Louise Women’s Centre at 135 London Rd. in the East End of Glasgow on 22nd May 2001. 

As a special project of the Glasgow St.Vincent de Paul Society the centre is financed by the Society for its basic running costs, i.e. rent, electricity, etc,

For some very enlightening perspectives visit Louis’e Project – Glasgow
