The International site of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul has been extensively revised. … It also contains a statement from the International President on practical things that can be done to assist our sisters and brothers around the world. TO CONFERENCES AND COUNCILS OF THE SOCIETY OF SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL IN THE WORLD


Dear Friends,


We have been attending, over the past weeks, an incredible proliferation of political conflicts, earthquakes, wars, terrorist attacks and a multitude of circumstances that make human beings suffer all over the world.


As mere examples, I can mention Iran or Morocco earthquakes, Iraq killings, social instability in Haiti (where our Vinpaz confreres have had to abandon the work they were doing), Turkey earthquake or other calamities in some South-American country, the abandon of great masses of population in war areas, and so much peoples, so much human beings needing the help of everyone. Including the Society’s. In some of these countries we are not represented by Conferences, but other Institutions, and frequently local Churches, ask the Council General for some helps we unfortunately can’t provide them for lack of means. Will you help us doing it with your gifts?


I know very well about the confreres’ generosity in front of this type of sufferings, and, in particular, I know how these solidarity petitions are attended when solicited by the Council General.


For this reason, I take the liberty of addressing you this appeal, justified by the anguish of so many of our brothers, who are undergoing real calamities. As you know, the amounts you may give (for the Fund for natural and caused by the man disasters), the aids you might be able to offer, will be distributed with the habitual seriousness and rigorous control of the Council General.


Seizing this opportunity, I have the pleasure to communicate to you that the expansion effort that is being done by the Society through its international responsible people, has borne its last fruit with the incorporation of Cambodia within the Vincentian fraternity. Effectively, two new Conferences have started working over the last days in the Asian country. Let us thank the Good Lord who allows us to have the beneficiary action of the Conferences of Saint Vincent de Paul reach one more country, thanks to the help of the confreres of the world who give us, with their contributions, the possibility of realizing these expansion efforts.



Looking forward to hearing from you, I send you all my prayer and affection.


                                       José Ramón Díaz-Torremocha
