“I am writing to take this opportunity to ask whether, either individually, or as organisations within the Vincentian Family you would like to make the Thigio mission 
run by the Daughters of Charity in Kenya the focus of your Lenten fasting and fund-raising efforts? … “Sr Sarah King-Turner DC, Provincial of the Daughters of Charity in Great Britain

“It is entirely optional and you may wish to focus on other projects. Last year, if you remember, the Vincentian Family contributed a large sum of money to buy a tractor, trailer (and a plough!), to bring up maize and other crops to feed some 30,000 people high up in the mountains of the Chepnyal area. The tractor has been a huge success and transformed the lives of the people of the area and we thank God that this project has been so blessed.”

For more visit http://www.vmp.org.uk/Lenten%20Project%202004.htm
