Renato Lima gives further details about the International Assembly of the SSVDP.The SSVP’s 12th International Plenary Assembly, held in Rome (Italy) between 14 and 19 of October of 2003, made two important decisions.

The first one concerns the approval of Part III of the Rule of the SSVP (international part).

Since the SSVP functions as a world-wide confederation, it now has greater possibilities to occupy a seat in the United Nations (UN) and for the definitive recognition of the Vatican.

The second notice it is that the 13th International Plenary Assembly of the SSVP, in 2005, will be held in Brazil. The host city still needs to be chosen, but probably it will be in Rio de Janeiro.

In November, hte leaders of the Society will have a meeting in Paris for purpose of making further preparations for the event.

The recently completed Assembly of Rome included representatives from 72 countries.

One of the main lectures of the Assembly was delivered by the Brazilian brother Rubens Ricúpero, who occupies the function of General Secretary of the United Nations (UN) for the Development.

The beatification of Madre Teresa de Calcutta was truly fantastic and, in honor of the occasion, brother Huáscar gave to brother Jose Ramon Díaz-Torremocha, international president of the SSVP, a letter that Madre Teresa of Calcutta, in 1995, sent to Huáscar blessing all the vincentians of the world. This letter will be framed and will be in the room of the international president.

The bulletin “Net of Charity” (Rede de Caridade, in Portuguese) thanks Huáscar Nabuco, Vice-president of International the General Consultor of the SSVP for Formation, from Sao Paulo (Brazil), for the exclusive information. For more details: Sent by Renato Lima (Brazil)
