Tim Williams writes from Sarina, Queensland, (October 26, 2003): Some Vincentians and Daughters of Charity have asked about the Mass Prayers in English for Rosalie Rendu DC who is to be Beatified in November.  Information received from the CM General Curia is that for celebrations on the day of Rosalie Rendu’s Beatification, Sunday November 9, the Prayers and Readings are those of the feast which the Church celebrates that day, that is, the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica. 

For celebrations of the Memorial of Rosalie Rendu on February 7, or celebrations that might be held at other times, or even more immediately – as soon as the approved texts are received from the Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments, they will be sent by the General Curia to all the Provinces of the Congregation of the Mission and the Daughters of Charity.  This will probably not occur before the date of Rosalie Rendu’s Beatification.
