NOTE: This posting is from October 2003. The pages linked here are no longer valid. However, the website is still available, and contains the information. Please use this link: to find information from this site.

Dear Voice of the Poor Friends,
The Voice of the Poor website has been updated.
Find out what Councils are doing in the area of VOP by going to the
following location.
The “Information” page has additions. Take a look at Frank Manning’s
manuscript on “Justice and Charity.” There is also a presentation from the
National Meeting that presenter, Tim Purdy, has generously shared with us
entitled “Catholic Social Justice: Living it in Our Daily Lives.”
There are additions to the “Related Sites” page with on-line references that
may be helpful in speaking as one voice.
The “News” page has additions as well. There are photos from the last
Catholic Social Gathering in Washington, DC as well as information from the
SVDP National meeting.
Let me know if you have news to add. Thank you!
Your friend in Christ,
Deborah Payne
