Receiving my Missionary Cenacle pin made a difference in my life.  At first, I wore it only to meetings and special occasions.  I really wasn’t sure if I was wear it more often.  Then Nancy Beukenkamp, a newly pinned MCA said to me, “I wear it every day, it’s an ‘Aaaah… experience’ every new day that I pin it on.”   Marvine Waite, who was our General Custodian for eight years, says: ” I wear my pin daily because it is a visible sign of a way of life I have chosen–to be a missionary.”  Cenacle members have indicated to me that it helps to open the door to others who ask, “What is your pin?”  It gives them an opportunity to witness and share what being a missionary means today.

Dr. Harold Grant shared the following information about our pin with me, and I would like to pass it on to you.

The Missionary Cenacle was founded by Fr. Thomas Judge CM
