At the Mid Year meeting of the U. S. Council, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, April, 2003, Dr. Peter Pavlov, chair of the Cause of Ozanam Committee, reported on the status of Blessed Frédéric Ozanam’s canonization. 
The following are remarks made by Dr. Pavlov on the founder of the Society:

One can hardly exhaust the fullness and completeness of the life of Blessed Frédéric, so I will highlight a few of the bright spots in the life of this grand man:

How does one become a saint and what qualifications and procedures does the Sacred Congregation for the causes of sainthood require?  No one in the Catholic Church is canonized a saint because of achievements, but only after it has been established that they lived a life of heroic virtue.

See Letter on the Cause for Canonization of Blessed Frederic
