The international site of the Congregation in Spanish has been significantly revised. Of note for English readers is use of many Vincentian graphics not generally known in the English-speaking world. (for example the page on the laity)In addition to these little known graphics sprinkled throughout the site Fr. Julio Suescun, CM of Spain has included a link to a gallery of photos hosted by the Province of Puerto Rico at

Fr. Suescun is constantly adding new material to this site. He is also the person responsible for the Spanish version of famvin

Among the useful resources found on this site than that might be of use to English readers is the section of downloadable “powerpoint” presentations.
Viewing them can stimulate ideas how Powerpoint can be used in spreading knowledge of our charism and as a reflective tool.

To see what is available visit the link on the left of the page “Archivos para bajar ” (Archives for downloading) or go directly to the following link
