Website of the Karachi SSVDP (English)

The SDVP (Society of St. Vincent DePaul) reached the shores of Karachi in 1869 and St. Patrick’s was the first to set up a conference which was then attached to the Council of Bombay. In 1947 there were just 4 conferences this expanded to 14 in 1960. With the...

CM Celebrates 125 Years in Istanbul

this school-year St.George in Istanbul is celebrating 120 years of Vincentian service in Turkey. St.George`s church and house were bought by a German confrere, expelled by Prussia in the time of the “Kulturkampf” and working with the French confreres of...

DC's Breaking the Cycle of Poverty in Ethiopia

In Addis Ababa the Daughters of Charity are trying to break the cycle of poverty through their work at the ATSE School. For more details visit Visit the website of the schools at to find out more about...